You Matter.

In the heart of You Matter lies a profound acknowledgment of the intricacies of being human. Demetrius Harmon, founder and internet sensation, turned his deepest struggles and marks of self-harm into a testament of strength. Stitched into the very fabric of his apparel, You Matter stands as a reminder – no matter life's highs and lows, everyone's existence holds value.
You Matter.
Brand Strategy, Production, Paid Ads, Emails, Social MGMT
You Matter.

The Impulso Effect

With the launch of the Re;Mind collection, we weren't just introducing new designs; we amplified a message. By merging style with substance, we expanded You Matter beyond its existing fans and reached fresh audiences. Guided by a strong brand strategy, creative zest, and a robust digital presence, we cemented You Matter as a standalone entity, ensuring its message reached those who truly needed to hear it.